Lahus follow the traditional administration. When there is the petition, the headman will call two parties and the head of each family to judge the dispute together. If the case deciding brings the conflict, it is the senoir og the village who adjudge the case again for giving the fairness to every side. Lahu traditional law indicates that people who do a little guilt will be fined and for the severe guilt, driving out from the village is the punishment. The leader of the village has a high duty to rule his people and he also has responsibility in security and peace of everyone. The headman has to encourage his people to do good things to the society. In Lahu community, the administration and the judjement depend on their custom entirely.
Leader Choosing
The villagers will vote for their leader. Maybe, in some case the leader descends the position from their ancester. But mostly the villager will use voting. There is no retirement for leader, it depend on him when he want to quit the work. On the other hand, if the leader does the wrong things such as neclect his duty, he will be fired by all villagers. Besides, the headman must have various abilities to serve this position namely has a high potentiality, village development and attention from his villagers.
Administrative Aspect
Lahu administrative is democracy. Women and men have an equal right. Women can be the leader as men.
Family Feature
Normally, Lahus live in a big family which consists of many members such as father, mother, son, daughter, grandchildren, and grandparents. If there is any problems or anything wrong with the members in the family, everyone in the family will help to solve the problem together. Moreover, if there is the marriage of daughter or son, the father must manage the ceremony which lean on Lahu tradition.
Case Judgement
In previous time, it was the duty of headman who can judge the case. When the quarrel occurs in the village, the headman will invite the senior to arbitrate together. The seniors let two parties to explain about the cause of quarrel. After listening the reason of both sides, the seniors will exactly know who are wrong. Then the headman and the seniors will take a decistion on the wrong doer. Both parties have to accept the judgement. In contrast, nowadays, case judgement will go along with the present law that made the village- senior judgement has less importance. New generations have an opportunity to learn and develop themselves so they make reference to Thai law because they think that they are in Thailand so they have to respect Thai law. Lahus nowadays have to accept changes from outside.
The Village- Conference
The leader will invite the seniors first and follow by the head of each family. The headman announces the news or story to all villagers. Moreover, the members of the village can give their opinions on the rule, regulation or agreement. If all the villagers agree with the regulation or standard, it will be used as a local rule. Anyhow, the new standard or regulation does not contradict with the local law absolutely.