Lahu local doctor inherit from previous time until now. Lahu spend their life with nature so, they learn how to bring the profit from herbs. When they get sick, they will run the ceremony and find the suitable herbs to cure their sickness. |
 | Ceremony Runner If Lahus feel uncomfortable, anxious or have a bad dream, they concern that the violent-dead-spirit will disturb them. So, they set the ceremony in order to get rid of all bad things and sicknesses. The offerings which consist of Kor Ta (raw bamboo offering material), candle, water and money are prepared for the ceremony. Lahus believe that it can protect them from all illnesses. Kor Ta is taken to Hor Yae which is the place for running ceremony of Lahu. Not only brings peaceful life to all villagers, but ceremony leader which called To Bo also secure everyone in the village. For the process of healing, it is the shaman who does by himself. |
If people get sick accidentally without reason, the shaman will come and find the way to cure. Besides, the shaman also apologizes as well as ask for help from the spirits and drive out the spirits. The way to heal depends on how serious the case is. If it is severe case, the shaman will pray the spell first. If it does not get well, they believe that it is under the power of spirits which can harm them while they go out for cutting wood or searching products from the forest. The suitable way to wipe out the bad lucks is killing chicken or pig to humbly apologize for specters. |
 | Herbal Doctor This kind of doctor is a person who has a full knowledge in various herbs. Each doctor has different way of healing. Some learn from their parents or grandparents and succeed to the next generation. Interestingly, there are indirect ways to pass on the herbal knowledge by bringing the children together when they collect herbs in the forest to learn the properties of each herbs, the formulas, and the way to mix the herb as well. Additionally, another way of getting the herbal information is learning from the genius-doctors. |
Massagist They are skillful in healing the sickness by massage which can relieve an ache. The process of massage will do along with praying the magic spell also.
Shamanism Performers Shamanism performers recovers the sickness by using the spell. They have particular spell for each disease such as spell for bone aliment, stop-bleeding, or scald. In addition, there is a spell for ghost prevention.
Occultism-Healing Not only use in the ceremony, the spell can also heal the illness and wounds or bruise such as broken legs or arms and snake-bite. |
 | There are two types of herb
- Herb from plant such as from root, bark, leaf, flower and fruit.
- Herb from animal such as bear’s gall bladder, tiger, and preserved centipede.
Massage Massage is used for relieving the pain, setting a broken bone and sprain. The women who are heard to pregnant can solve this problem by massage. It can be used together with reciting a spell and applying the herbs.
Nowadays, local medical treatment is changed. Althought this way is beneficial, economical and safe, it is rare to find herbal treatment. Because of development of public health care, people like to go to hospital instead of using local herbs. Thus, the importance of using herbs is lessen more and more. In the future, the new generation may not know their own herbs. |