The Lahu people usually court in the New Year because it is a time when the men do not go to work. The men get together and go visit women in other villages. Some men will tell the children in the village to relay their courtship messages to the women. The women prepare food to welcome the men. When a man is finished or full, a woman and a man will match and have a chat. A man will make love to a woman. The courtships of Lahu people are very easy to find, if your interested you can go to a Lahu village. |
The man will ask the parent's of the women who he loves for her hand in marriage. They will then arrange for the date to be married.
The groom will prepare food items and money, usually around 2 chickens and 30 Baht as an engagement offering. On the night of the wedding, they will prepare a room with a glass and 2 ropes for a religious ceremony. The religious leader will bless the couple and give them water from the glass. The couple must try not to spill any of the water as it may be a sign that they will loose a child that will be born. On the first day of the marriage, they will draw water to the parents' houses. |
The woman will draw water to the man's house and the man will draw water to the woman's house. They will then go out to cut firewood and deliver it in a similar wayIf the man and woman live in another village, the man will be the only one to draw water and cut firewood to the woman's house. The day after the ceremonies are over, they will celebrate with festivities called “KaeJaWea”. If the woman's family does not have enough money for the festivities, the bride's parents will let them live together. A pig will be killed for the festivities and the neck of the pig will be given to an intermediary. This tradition is passed on from generation to generation .
The Divorce
Divorce, for the Lahu, is a natural occurrence. It happens when the woman's parents decide that the man can not take care of their daughter. They will then force the couple to separate. Any valuables will be given to the man as it is the woman's side who decides on the separation. If they already have children, the valuables will be distributed among them as well. The man and woman will then agree on who will raise the child. |