วันเสาร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Life style : Lahu-life-way-schedule

Way of life
Ceremonies and Festivals
Reaping the “Yah Ka”( sharp and tapering gress) for roofing.
Roof and repair the the rotten roof.
Clean the house to welcome Lahu New Year ( Kin Wor ).
FebuarySearch the wild things to use in New Year. It should be prepared before New Year.Lahu New Year(Kao Ja We)
It is the time for enjoyment. The villagers join the activities together such as top beating, pitch-and-toss game and dancing under the Wor tree. For the aged, they tell the tales to the children.
MarchIt is the time for finding the wild things from the forest such as picking the Kong gress to make the broom. Moreover, Lahu will search for the jute covering.There are no any ceremonies or festivals because it is time for preparing the land for cultivation.
AprilPrepare the land for farming.
Mow the farm.
Make the fire-prevent line.
  1. Piling the sand ceremony. It is called “ Sae Kor”. This ceremony is done annually. Lahus donate the memory of the deads and apologize for  unintentional killing animals.
  2. Making Pavilion Ceremony (Sa La Te We). It is held once a year for begging for the blessing from the spirits to protect them when they go out for searching the wild things in the forest.
MaySoil looseness and growimg the rice and corn.Lahu people pray before planting to remain the seeds and beg for productivities.
JuneGrowing the rice and vegetable.There is a rice merit ceremony after growing rice 30 days or after first weed flora elimination, people beg for the crop protection from the spirits
JulySearching the wild vegetable such as bamboo shoot and mushroomAll membes in the village find the auspicious day to work for the headman such as growing plants for him to give him an encouragement in his duty.
AugustFinding for bamboo root and bamboo wormThis month has no ceremony. Lahus find the bamboo root for their food or sale.
SeptemberSearch for bamboo worm and bamboo root.Before newly harvested rice ceremony coming, each family will take the crops to their home such as pumpkin, sting bean,chilli and eggplant.
OctoberPrepare for the harvestNewly harvested rice ceremony is in this month. Each family will cook by their own crop and eat together. It is cutural or festival protection of Lahu.
NovemberAll the villagers will harvest together with happiness.This period has no festival because it is the harvesting time for comsumption in their daily life.
DecemberIt is the time for rest. Lahu people sew and weave their clothes for wearing in New Year.In this month, there is no ceremony. People will prepare themselves for Lahu New Year(Kin Wor Lahu). They also weave and sew their clothes.


