วันเสาร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Lahu Hilltribe

The Lahu are a strong independent and very diverse ethnic group who number about 60,000 in Thailand. The Lahu are located primarly in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces, but can also be found in considerable numbers as far south as Tak province. Their settlements are usually remote from roads and towns, due to their strong commitment to the maintenance of the Lahu way of life.
The Lahu are complex and diverse ethnicity. In Thailand there are no fewer than six different Lahu tribes, some of whose languages are not mutually intelligible. The majority of Lahus in Thailand are Red Lahu, pantheistic animists who follow a Dtobo, a messianic leader. There are also a significant number of Black, Yellow and Shehleh Lahus in Thailand, many of whom have been Christian for nearly one hundred years. Black Lahu are the most populous throughout Southeast Asia and theirs is considered to be the standard Lahu dialect.
Although primarily subsistence farmers, growing rice and corn for their own consumption, the Lahu are also proud of their hunter-warrior heritage. They remain a strict, serious people governed by strong principles of right and wrong, every individual in the village answering to the common will of the elders. While less importance is placed on the extended family than in other hill tribe communities, the Lahu are still strongly committed to principles of unity and working together for survival. Lahus may have the most gender-equitable society in the world.


Introduce : Ja Lae village

“Ja Lae” is the village of Lahu Laba tribe, who migrated from Tibet to Thailand in 1970. They stayed in Doi Thung for only two years before they moved on to Doi Bor which is in Ampher Maung, Chang Rai province. It was people of 13 families that migrated under the leadership of Mr. Ja Lae. Because of Mr. Ja Lae's leadership at this time, he got the village named after him. There was another Ja Lae village with 62 families which was located in Huay Mae Sai Waterfall area moo.11, Tambon Mae Yaw, Muang district, Chiang Rai. But in 1999 Forestry Department issued a policy. This policy stated that all the people in Huay Mae Sai Waterfall have to move out of the area into the area belonging to Industrial Forest Organization. When moved to this area, the group of 62 families joined up with those who migrated from Tibet in 1970.
In Ja Lae village, they have impermanent farming and stair shape paddy farming which are used for making rice. Impermanent farming is changing the area for cultivation every year.
The surrounding of the village is suitable for trekking. This again attracts many tourists who either do a 1 day or 2 days trekking tour. On the 2 day tour, they sleep over in the village. From 1986 to 1997, there were many tourists trekking there.
Lahu Ja Lae life is like the origin life of Lahu Laba. They have kept their original belief, culture and festival which they are protecting with high concern. All this knowledge is carefully passed on to the next generation.

The causes of migration from Huay Mae Sai waterfall
• The government assigned the village to be in tourism zone.
• The village also felt that the old village was far away from civilization.
• The children should have an opportunity to get education like others.
• In conclusion, there are advantage and disadventage of migration.

Advantages are:
• Children will have the opportunity of education.
• Transportation is more convenient.
• Not enough land to earn their living.

The management in tourism is one way out instead of being under control by outside trend which causing changing. The teenagers may forget their own culture and be crazy in modern life. In contrast, they choose to be the controllers who determine the way of life in the community by their own in order to remain the pride and selfhood. As mention earlier, they pass on their knowledge,

culture and tradition to the young, so they will bring precious culture on the next generation. At the same time, the teengers is participating in creation their own direction, such as makimg themselves an opportunity in business.

Introduce : Costume

The male Lahu Saelae wears black and dark blue long-sleeved shirt with silver small beads at the back. The pants have stockings with pattern similar to the pants. Female wears the black long shirt which reaches the knees and has the fine embroideries and silver studs at the back and the end of the sleeves. The costume is very important for Lahu’s life because it shows the identity of the tribe. When they have worship or festival, they must wear the costume of Lahu Saelae. If someone does not wear it, he or she will be punished. He or she will not be regarded as a relative because Lahu assume the wrong doer does not respect god and ancestor. However, the younger generation is not as strict as the past. Some of them no longer wear the full costume due to the influence of fashion from the city when they study or work there. The students and workers receive the culture from the outsiders whom they come into contact with.

Introduce : Herb



   Herb is a local ancient of Lahu people which is used to treat many an affection and does not have any effect on the body. They continue from generation to generation because in the past, the Lahu people lived in the forest. When the people in the village contract any disease, the Lahu people will use the herbs in the forest to treat them. From the survey done in the area where the Lahu people live, there are many types of herbs and each has properties to treat the affection differently.
   Presently, it is easier to contact the outsider thus the Lahu people prefer to go to the hospital or buy medicines from the shop instead of using the herb. This situation has caused fewer people to have knowledge about the herbs, and the few people who know about this do not pass to the younger generation.    

Introduce : The musical instruments

The musical instruments

The musical instruments
   Music is important for the Lahu Saelae living and when they will have a ceremonial or worship. The musical instruments are played during the Lahu’s worship. Lahu believe that music voice can connect with the Lahu’s god. If they do not have the musical instruments, they can not set the worship. Moreover, the musical instruments can create more fun and also attract people who would like joy with dancing. Now, Lahu Saelae plays the following instruments for Jakue dance:
1. A big reed organ or NorGoMa to play with the worship or the ceremonial.
2. A medium reed organ or NorSue is the favorite for middle age and when in the village has Jakue dancing.
3. A small reed organ or NorGaeLa is the instruments used to make a jolly rhythm, the youngsters like to dance with this instrument.
4. Stringed instrument or Tue is the voice attractiveness instrument.
5. A flute or Sae is the instruments for the old age.
6. Jingnong or Arta is the instrument that uses the tongue, and is the individual capable skill.

Introduce : JaKue Dancing

JaKue Dancing

JaKue Dancing

The tradition of Jakue dancing was originated together with the Lahu worships because the hill tribes believe in dancing to propitiate the god. Beside that Jakue dancing is also a chance for the people to have a union unity because when the Lahu people blow the musical instruments, they help one another for switched to play the music. The people, who would like to enter the Jakue court, usually must wear full costume of Lahu dress not only that, this court is the place for the younger people to look for a match. Now Lahu realize the importance of Jakue dance less as compared to the past because the decreasing of musical instrument creates less enjoyment. Nowadays Lahu are attracted to dramas after news like while they are dancing and when the end of news, they return home to see the dramas.

Introduce : A religion and worship

A religion and worship
A religion and worship is important for the hill tribe people, Lahu Saelae. From the past, the Lahu’s god said that even though we did not have our own country, we need to have a religion because the religion unite all of Lahu Saelae to have a vigorous, united and that is the united for the people to have moral principles and to take respect on the system.
    Each village must have the religion rule to take control all of the people in the village. The Lahu people believe in taking respect to an ancestor spirit. It is a must for the Lahu Saelae tribe to have the religion ceremony due to this belief and spirit respect. The ceremony in the year of Lahu Saelae people, every family has cooperate like New Years ( GinWor in Lahu language), a new rice, sent the village’s luck, to propitiate the water and the forest.
   In each family will also have a ceremonial. The Lahu people believe that the bad wicked can not come through. That is why the Lahu Saelae takes respect to the religion and practice from generation to generation.

Lahu holy thing

     A sacred thing plays important role in Lahu life. They believe there must be the sacred thing in the village. No matter what they do, they will think of this sacred thing first. It is believed that sacred thing will protect everything they belong. For example, when they own an orange grove, there is an evil intend to hurt them, it cannot harm because they have sacred thing to watch over them.
A Guardian Spirit Shelf in Bedroom 
     It is the holy wooden shelf placed in Lahu bedroom above their bed. A glass of water , candles, and cotton string are laid on the shelf. Lahu people believe that the guardian spirit has a good wish to protect the house from demons and also take care of all members in the family.

Hor Yea or Temple
     It is the place for religious ceremomies where people dance on religious days and pray for blessing from the god which called “Ngue Za”. This place is holy place for Lahus.
Water Trough
     In the past, in Lahu village there is only one trough. Everyone in the village shares the trough together. In addition, it is reasonable enough to have only one trough in the village because it brings them sense of a unity
Sae Kor or Zai Kor
     It is the apologetic ceremony. Sometimes, Lahu people unintentional step on the insects or tiny animal and cause death. So, they do the ceremony to say sorry to those animal. Lahu people believe that if they do Zai Kor, all sins will disappear. Additionally, it may bring productive cultivation and peaceful life.

Bamboo Pavillion

     Lahu people who live in the same village have to participate in building the pavillion once a year. They are assigned for the duty. Some people have to look for bamboo and others have to find a nice place to build the pavillion. After making the pavillion, women and children will bring rice, chicken and pork to cook food together. After cooking is done, the women will lay down the food in the pavillion first, then the food is taken to each direction : north, south, east, west and the way to their farm. Lahus believe that the spirits are the owner of everything, so before they do anything, they should ask for the permission from the spirits. They tell the spirits that if they do wrong things, please forgive them. After all processes are done, people will eat together and clean up before going back home.

Life style : The Daily Life Equipments

Knife (A- Tor)

            Knife is used for cutting woods or can be used for other works. In the past, iron is rare to find. If there is no iron seller, it is hard to have an iron to use. The sellers who may come once a year are both Thai and Chinese. They will take agricultural equipments and salt to sell and some goods for exchange such as the clothes and chilli, salt and chilli. On the contary, nowadays iron or knife is easy to buy from general market.
Knife Sheath (A Tor Peu)
Knife sheath is made from strip bamboo weaving in Lahu’s style. It looks strange for Lahus if they have a knife but no sheath to keep because the knife is the important equipments which Lahus have to use everyday in their works namely mowing grass and hunting animal. Lahu people need to carry a knife with them. It is regarded as personal arms in order to prevent from any harmful things.
Hoe (Jig Woo)
It is used for digging a hole for construction in cultivating period.
Spade (Tor Pe)
Tor Pe is used for digging the bamboo shoots or a hole for planting pumpkin vegetable, or fruits. In addition, the spade is suitable for digging the hole in building the house.
Ax (Ji Jee)
It is different from an ax which we can see in general. It has long handle which is easy to cut the particular big trees.
Arrow or Crossbow (Ka)
The body of an arrow is made from wood and the leaf sheaf of a banana tree is used as the string. Lahus will tear the covering into long lines and dry in the sun. After this method, the dry strings are weaved to be the bow-string.
Bamboo Glass
It is made from bamboo. The reason why Lahus use bamboo glass is that in the past there is no glass like nowadays. The benefits of bamboo glass are that it is durable to the heat, safe and economical. It is made from the natural materials so it can be firewood if it is broken or out of use.
Chopping Block (Pee Tor)
Lahu’s chopping block is made from natural hardwood which is non-toxic and safe for health.
Mortar and Pastle (Kae Tor Kow)  
Mortar or Lahus called Kae Tor Kow is made from hardwood which is non-toxic like chopping block.

Kan-Tok or wooden Tray (Pheu Kow)
The material for making Kan Tok is fine bamboo. Lahus will cut the bamboo and sharpen to make it stringy . Then, take the rattan to be framework and weave the strip bamboo with the rattan. Pheu Kow is used for lying food like the dining-table. Lahu people always eat together with their families in the midst of warm feeling.
Scale (Yah Jui)
Scale or Yah Jui in Lahu language is wooden scale which has strings in both sides. The two bamboo basket are hung in the tip of both sides of scale. It is beneficial if it is rattan basket because the rattan is more durable than bamboo.
Mortar (Se Kue)
It is long log having heavy weight to bump up and down against the wooden mortar. The mortar must be bigger than pestle two or three time and bore a hole in the middle to put the unhusked rice grain inside. It is pounded until the husk comes off. Lahu people always pound rice  every morning except the holy day or festival period. It is believed that whoever pounds rice in holy day will suffer disaster. For example from the aged’s word, once there was someone pounded rice in holy day and this person got goiter by not knowing the cause finally. Moreover, it may bring people get mad as well. Thus, in the festival period, Lahu will not use the mortar anymore. In contrast, if they have to use the mortar in Lahu New Year or Kin Wor(Kao Ja We), they do not use a full set of the mortar (maybe the pestle is omitted). The mortar is only used to pound the Kaw Puk which is the Lahu New Year dessert.(in the past the mortar is used instead of rice mill)
Kettle (Kor Lah Kui)
Kor Lah Kui is used for boiling. In the past, Lahus used bamboo flask instead of kattle. When the time passing, the Chinese culture takes important role to Lahus,so they use the kettle like Chinese by buying from Chinese sellers or exchange their things to the kettle.
Basket (Ka Ju Loo) 
Ka Ju Loo is one kind of the equipment which is used for carrying the firewood or fetching the water. The basket which is used for long time is the important thing for Lahu’s life. The Lahu old people tell that in the past, there were horses to carry things but basket was used when there was no horse. So, basket is popular until now. Lahus believed that when the babies are born in the village, they should be taken to lie down in the basket. By doing this, it will protect the babies from filth-eating spirit which may bring them disaster. Anyway, the basket is made from the strip bamboo and weave fine. Not everyone can weave the basket; it needs skills and knowledge which is suitable for the aged in the village.
Sickle (Lord Kor)
Lahus called the sickle “Lord Kor”. In the past, it was made from iron as same as knife and hoe which was sold by Thai or Chinese sellers. The knife which is terrible to use will become the sickle. The villagers will give these knifes to the blacksmith who forges the knife to be the sickle and sell around the village. When the technology is improved like at present, the sickle is easy to buy from many stores.
Rice-winnowing basket (Ha Ma Gow)
Rice-winnowing basket is made from bamboo which is sharpened to be a strip and braid in a rounded shape. Rice-winnowing basket is used in Lahus daily life. In the past, Lahus used rice-winnowing basket to blow the chaff from the rice. The rice which is bounded in the wooden mortar is composed of both rice and chaff so the rice-winnowing basket is beneficial for removing the chaff from rice.

Life style : Lahu birth

The things to do when the baby is born      A sting or piece of cloth is tied with a crossbeam in order to let the mother hold. By doing this, it will give the mother more strength to deliver the baby. After birth, the umbilical cord will be cut by sharp bamboo in stead of a knife. They do this because they believe that the baby can get tetanus if they are using a knife. After cutting off the umbilical cord, they will tie it up with a sting to stop the bleeding. Father will bury the umbilical cord will be safe from animal who might want to dig a hole. If the baby dies, the umbilical cord will not be buried under the stairs, but brought into the forest and buried there.      The father also have to cook food for the mother, the dish is black chicken. It was believe that black chicken has high nutrient elements which would give the breast feeding mother more natural milk nutritious.
      Most of the midwives are aged women with good experience in delivery of babies. Traditionally, the parents have to give 10 bath to the midwife which is regarded that this is a lot of money.

The process of giving the new born baby a name 

     When giving a newborn baby a name, it was believed that if the name was given to the baby without paying attention on date and time of birth, the baby will not like the name and start crying. Thus, who do pay attention will let “To-Bo”(ceremonial leader) do the naming ceremony which will be held to tell god about a newborn baby. The god will give the babies a name. The ceremony for giving the name to the baby must be held in Hor Yea (ceremonial place) which is limited area for parents, baby, and To Bo only. The things that must be used under the ceremony are : flowers(made from cotton), candles, and thread for tying the baby's wrist. After To Bo is finished, the incantation recital is performed. The parents have to pay respect to To Bo, this they do by washing the hands of To Bo in order to make this ceremony as clean as water. Then, To Bo will tie the baby's wrist with the thread. If a village does not have To Bo , the parents have to let the person who has lots of children, do the ceremony of giving name. This person can be either one from the same village or he can be from another village. The parents have to kill one chicken and give the chicken to the person helping giving the name to their newborn baby. Later the baby can call this person as one of their parents too.

     Nowadays, the name will be given in Thai language. Some babies will get their name from doctor, nurse or with help from municipal officers who will search for the name inside a Thai naming book. Nevertheless, the nickname is still in traditional Lahu language, which is given from parents or elders in the village. 
The cautions in pregnancy period
     •  Don't carry green lamperata cylndrica (Thai sharp and tapering gress). It is believed that this can cause miscarriage.
     •  Don't be under the papaya tree. It is believed that it may harm the baby.

     These days when a women is pregnant, she will have prenatal care at the hospital. When time for giving birth they will follow the method of the present medical care.

Life style : The Death

The things-to-do when people died.
    When people died, every family in the village have to take one bowl of rice and one candle to the relatives’ dead who must kill one chicken for the ceremony. The wing and leg are stabbed beside the dead body. It was believed that the chicken wing will lead the spirit to the heaven and leg will lead the soul to scratch for the food and water. Moreover, three bunches of broom which made from lamperata cylinrica (sharp and tapering gress) and are put down on the head, wrist and feet of the dead in order to stop the reviviscence.
It was believed that if there is the dead in the solar eclipse period, the dead will resurrect. Thus, it needs the broom to beat the corpse in order to block the resurgence. Besides, the egg is the important part of finding the buried place. If the eggs are thrown in the air and if it does not break when falling to the ground, it is believed that the dead does not want to bury there. Hence, the relatives have to find the new area where the egg breaks. Then, they should dig the quite big grave enough to bury the dead.
The Recent corpse
    The tiny chopping stick are scratched into the grave in order to resist the soul goes with the funeral joiners. After the burying was done, the stones are laid down on the grave in the heart position of the dead.
     After burying, shaman will run the blocking spirit ceremony which shuts the spirit in the graveyard. He weaves the bamboo in a cross and make the door which is the only exit way for the funeral participants. It is believed that whoever do not pass through this door, the spirit of that person will not come back with the body after the funeral finishes.
    The villagers take the leaf back to sprinkle the holy water which is prepared by the aged in order to drive the wickedness out. After all villagers go back to the village, they have to go straight to the dead’s house first and then back to their own house. Within 3 nights, the neighbour must arrive to the dead’s house. Lahus believe that this visit is the waitting for the spirit. In addition, it is believed that the first night, the spirit will come to the house. In the second night, the spirit will reach the head of the stairs. In the third night, the soul will be out of house. And, in the forth night, the spirit will stand at the cemetery’s door and cry. It wants to go out but it cannot because the shaman build the blocking spirit door.

the old corpse
Sending Spirit Ceremony
    Fiftheen days after death, the relative needs to do the sending spirit ceremony. The ceremony is composed of shaman who blesses for the spirit, relatives and villagers. The chicken plays a role in this ceremony as well. This morning, the relatives feel sorrowful for the death and beg the spirit not to frighten them. Lahus believe that whoever do not join this ceremony, they may be disturbed by the spirit which is in the bird form or have a bad dream. If that person own the farm, their crops will be unproductive.

Life style : Lahu Dress

In the past, Lahu people weave their own clothes. But nowadays, there are few people who weave by their own. Weaving is only used for tiny accessories such as bag or satchel-sash. Black or blue clothes which decorate with colorful decorative cloth identifies the group of Lahus but the women share the same style of skirt. Dark Lahu women wear two shirt; the first is worn inside, it is waist-length shirt. The second shirt is calf-length long-sleeve shirt wearing outside. The shirt is garnished with colorful cloth and silverware. For Lahu men, they have the same pattern way of dress no matter which group they are. The shirt and trousers are black. The tip of the trousers, sleeves and some parts of shirt are overlapped by colorful stripes but have not much design like women’s. Lahu men wear the stocking while the women do not.
Women Dressing
Lahu women wear long-sleeve shirt and ankle-length skirt. The clothes are decorated with colorful strips and small aluminium balls weaving with the shirt. In addition, the shirt has beautiful patterns in various styles which stick in the front and back.
Men Dressing
Lahu men wear black long-sleeve shirt which adorned with silver balls and nice embroidered designs. The pants are black, green, and blue which are hand-weaving neatly.
Ornaments are the important things for Lahu. It also show Lahu’s identity and beauty.
    • Necklace
    • Belt
    • Silver Bracelet
    • Small aluminium or silver balls.

    Lahu Dressing in Ceremony Period

    Lahu in the past always wore their own traditional clothes in the ceremony. But at present, wearing the traditional dress is rare to find because of the influence of modern society. People like to put on fashionable clothes suac as jeans because it is easy to buy in general shops. Furthermore, another reason why wearing traditional clothes is seldom seen is outside society does not accept. The hilltribes people are regarded as a monster or alien, so it makes the new generations feel too ashamed to wear their traditional dress. Some people have their suitable own judgement on wearing traditional dress: when they should wear and when they should not. The aged want to tell their descendants to keep their culture by putting on the traditional clothes to make their custom precious.
    “I want Lahus realize on the value of traditional dressing which fulls of beauties and are proud of their culture”.

Life style : Lahu-government

          Lahus follow the traditional administration. When there is the petition, the headman will call two parties and the head of each family to judge the dispute together. If the case deciding brings the conflict, it is the senoir og the village who adjudge the case again for giving the fairness to every side. Lahu traditional law indicates that people who do a little guilt will be fined and for the severe guilt, driving out from the village is the punishment. The leader of the village has a high duty to rule his people and he also has responsibility in security and peace of everyone. The headman has to encourage his people to do good things to the society. In Lahu community, the administration and the judjement depend on their custom entirely.
Leader Choosing
The villagers will vote for their leader. Maybe, in some case the leader descends the position from their ancester. But mostly the villager will use voting. There is no retirement for leader, it depend on him when he want to quit the work. On the other hand, if the leader does the wrong things such as neclect his duty, he will be fired by all villagers. Besides, the headman must have various abilities to serve this position namely has a high potentiality, village development and attention from his villagers.
Administrative Aspect
Lahu administrative is democracy. Women and men have an equal right. Women can be the leader as men.
Family Feature
     Normally, Lahus live in a big family which consists of many members such as father, mother, son, daughter, grandchildren, and grandparents. If there is any problems or anything wrong with the members in the family, everyone in the family will help to solve the problem together. Moreover, if there is the marriage of daughter or son, the father must manage the ceremony which lean on Lahu tradition.
Case Judgement
In previous time, it was the duty of headman who can judge the case. When the quarrel occurs in the village, the headman will invite the senior to arbitrate together. The seniors let two parties to explain about the cause of quarrel. After listening the reason of both sides, the seniors will exactly know who are wrong. Then the headman and the seniors will take a decistion on the wrong doer. Both parties have to accept the judgement. In contrast, nowadays, case judgement will go along with the present law that made the village- senior judgement has less importance. New generations have an opportunity to learn and develop themselves so they make reference to Thai law because they think that they are in Thailand so they have to respect Thai law. Lahus nowadays have to accept changes from outside.
The Village- Conference
        The leader will invite the seniors first and follow by the head of each family. The headman announces the news or story to all villagers. Moreover, the members of the village can give their opinions on the rule, regulation or agreement. If all the villagers agree with the regulation or standard, it will be used as a local rule. Anyhow, the new standard or regulation does not contradict with the local law absolutely.

Life style : Lahu-life-way-schedule

Way of life
Ceremonies and Festivals
Reaping the “Yah Ka”( sharp and tapering gress) for roofing.
Roof and repair the the rotten roof.
Clean the house to welcome Lahu New Year ( Kin Wor ).
FebuarySearch the wild things to use in New Year. It should be prepared before New Year.Lahu New Year(Kao Ja We)
It is the time for enjoyment. The villagers join the activities together such as top beating, pitch-and-toss game and dancing under the Wor tree. For the aged, they tell the tales to the children.
MarchIt is the time for finding the wild things from the forest such as picking the Kong gress to make the broom. Moreover, Lahu will search for the jute covering.There are no any ceremonies or festivals because it is time for preparing the land for cultivation.
AprilPrepare the land for farming.
Mow the farm.
Make the fire-prevent line.
  1. Piling the sand ceremony. It is called “ Sae Kor”. This ceremony is done annually. Lahus donate the memory of the deads and apologize for  unintentional killing animals.
  2. Making Pavilion Ceremony (Sa La Te We). It is held once a year for begging for the blessing from the spirits to protect them when they go out for searching the wild things in the forest.
MaySoil looseness and growimg the rice and corn.Lahu people pray before planting to remain the seeds and beg for productivities.
JuneGrowing the rice and vegetable.There is a rice merit ceremony after growing rice 30 days or after first weed flora elimination, people beg for the crop protection from the spirits
JulySearching the wild vegetable such as bamboo shoot and mushroomAll membes in the village find the auspicious day to work for the headman such as growing plants for him to give him an encouragement in his duty.
AugustFinding for bamboo root and bamboo wormThis month has no ceremony. Lahus find the bamboo root for their food or sale.
SeptemberSearch for bamboo worm and bamboo root.Before newly harvested rice ceremony coming, each family will take the crops to their home such as pumpkin, sting bean,chilli and eggplant.
OctoberPrepare for the harvestNewly harvested rice ceremony is in this month. Each family will cook by their own crop and eat together. It is cutural or festival protection of Lahu.
NovemberAll the villagers will harvest together with happiness.This period has no festival because it is the harvesting time for comsumption in their daily life.
DecemberIt is the time for rest. Lahu people sew and weave their clothes for wearing in New Year.In this month, there is no ceremony. People will prepare themselves for Lahu New Year(Kin Wor Lahu). They also weave and sew their clothes.
