วันเสาร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Life style : The Death

The things-to-do when people died.
    When people died, every family in the village have to take one bowl of rice and one candle to the relatives’ dead who must kill one chicken for the ceremony. The wing and leg are stabbed beside the dead body. It was believed that the chicken wing will lead the spirit to the heaven and leg will lead the soul to scratch for the food and water. Moreover, three bunches of broom which made from lamperata cylinrica (sharp and tapering gress) and are put down on the head, wrist and feet of the dead in order to stop the reviviscence.
It was believed that if there is the dead in the solar eclipse period, the dead will resurrect. Thus, it needs the broom to beat the corpse in order to block the resurgence. Besides, the egg is the important part of finding the buried place. If the eggs are thrown in the air and if it does not break when falling to the ground, it is believed that the dead does not want to bury there. Hence, the relatives have to find the new area where the egg breaks. Then, they should dig the quite big grave enough to bury the dead.
The Recent corpse
    The tiny chopping stick are scratched into the grave in order to resist the soul goes with the funeral joiners. After the burying was done, the stones are laid down on the grave in the heart position of the dead.
     After burying, shaman will run the blocking spirit ceremony which shuts the spirit in the graveyard. He weaves the bamboo in a cross and make the door which is the only exit way for the funeral participants. It is believed that whoever do not pass through this door, the spirit of that person will not come back with the body after the funeral finishes.
    The villagers take the leaf back to sprinkle the holy water which is prepared by the aged in order to drive the wickedness out. After all villagers go back to the village, they have to go straight to the dead’s house first and then back to their own house. Within 3 nights, the neighbour must arrive to the dead’s house. Lahus believe that this visit is the waitting for the spirit. In addition, it is believed that the first night, the spirit will come to the house. In the second night, the spirit will reach the head of the stairs. In the third night, the soul will be out of house. And, in the forth night, the spirit will stand at the cemetery’s door and cry. It wants to go out but it cannot because the shaman build the blocking spirit door.

the old corpse
Sending Spirit Ceremony
    Fiftheen days after death, the relative needs to do the sending spirit ceremony. The ceremony is composed of shaman who blesses for the spirit, relatives and villagers. The chicken plays a role in this ceremony as well. This morning, the relatives feel sorrowful for the death and beg the spirit not to frighten them. Lahus believe that whoever do not join this ceremony, they may be disturbed by the spirit which is in the bird form or have a bad dream. If that person own the farm, their crops will be unproductive.

